Turn fan love into growth and engagement

Everyday millions of people around the world go shopping, visit stores, buy products, read newspapers, and view advertisements. In most cases these consumers remain anonymous and unreachable for the product creators, store owners, editors or advertising creatives. Reunited transforms these everyday spending behaviours into money for sports clubs and increased customer loyalty and engagement for brands.

Add an emotional driver to your products and services

MyFavorito is aiming to become the world's leading multichannel customer engagement, loyalty and CRM platform for FMCG brands, retailers and store owners. Our radically different approach to sponsorship allows your company to add an emotional driver to your product offering, drive real results and support one or ten or even hundreds or thousands of clubs at the same time. Reunited not only helps sports clubs make more money but changes the game for brands and businesses around the world. We are flipping the old sponsorship model on its head and creating a world where everyone wins. It's Game On. It's For Love and Money.

Generate more sales, relationships, customer loyalty and growth

Fans love their clubs. Now turn their love into real relationships, customers, sales and loyalty. With Reunited you can automatically build partnerships with hundreds or thousands of sports clubs. Whenever their members and fans redeem your offers and send money to their club, we will connect you with the fan and the club. Your promotions will then appear in sports clubs’ communities and can be viewed by even more fans and members.

Transactional, performance-based, automated, digital and risk-free

Zero upfront investment. You only pay when something good happens. You determine your sponsorship offer, make it available to fans and customers, and only pay when sponsorship codes are redeemed. Using the Reunited Dashboard you can easily setup an authentic presence for your company, run your own marketing campaigns, keep track of all transactions and redemptions, build a strong CRM and measure the success of your promotions in real time.

Any professional sports club can decide to tokenize its shares on a blockchain.


sgn.pngHow it works - Create your referral offer You create your own sponsorship offer. This is usually made up of a condition (the outcome you desire) and a monetary value. This is the amount you are willing to pay to the fan's favorite sports club when they redeem your offer. Your offer should be attractive, easy to understand, easy to communicate and easy to execute. For example: if you are a pizza place, your referral offer would look like "buy a pizza and earn $1 for your favorite sports club". In addition to encouraging buying behaviors, your referral offer can also encourage attention behaviors. Sponsors can upload all types of digital marketing materials, including videos, to the Reunited platform and reward fans for watching, such as "watch my latest TV spot and earn $0.50 for your sports club favorite".

How it works - Integrate your referral offer into your business Every time fans spend money with your business, you provide them with the means to redeem your referral offer and send money to their favorite sports clubs, teams, or athletes. The Reunited dashboard along with our developer tools and APIs offer many options for sponsorship integrations, including: Alphanumeric and QR codes on paper Cash Receipt Downloads Exchangeable videos Reimbursable News Cash register integration Online store and e-commerce integration abt-pg-img1-2.png How it works - Promoting your referral offer With Reunited, we give you many ways to promote your referral offer to new and existing customers across different channels. Use our templates to create stunning social media posters and images that can be used to promote your offer directly in your store or on your social media channels. With Reunited you can support one or dozens or hundreds or thousands of sports clubs, teams and athletes at the same time. Risk-free and fully transactional. You can add an emotional engine to your existing product offering to attract more customers and offer something great that your competitors aren't doing, which is supporting local and regional sports clubs. How it works - Connect with fans and clubs As soon as a fan redeems a code for their favorite sports club, we will establish a digital CRM relationship between the fan and your business and between the selected club and your business. This allows you to reach more fans and grow your business. The Reunited dashboard allows you to watch all buyouts in real time and see all relationships with fans, sports clubs, teams and athletes. The Reunited Dashboard also offers many other ways to attract more customers and engage with them. For example: an integrated loyalty system, exclusive coupons, follow-up actions, customer relationship management (CRM), welcome gifts, instant prize draws and many more. Sign up for free anytime here and get started right away.

What are the benefits of tokenizing financial assets ?

For the sender The advantages are many: Use the blockchain to divide a financial asset into a multitude of tokens; Possibility of programming a smart contract for the automation of the conditions of transfer, regulatory compliance and the rights attached to the tokens; Allow the sale of tokenized instruments on an open market 7/7 and 24/24; Aim for a larger community of investors; Lowering geographical barriers through the use of an international and decentralized market. Digitization of the shareholder register when buying a tokenized share. For the investor Here too, the advantages are numerous: Use the blockchain to acquire a financial instrument (taking advantage of all the advantages that the use of blockchain technology confers); Allow an immediate transfer of ownership of the underlying financial asset; Enable the purchase of financial assets at a lower cost by reducing the number of institutional intermediaries and transaction costs.

What regulations apply to tokenized financial assets ?

French law regulates the issuance of financial securities in the form of security tokens. Indeed, an implementing decree of December 24, 2018 resulting from the order of December 8, 2017 confirmed the possibility of using the blockchain for the transmission and registration of financial securities on it. For the sender When a token issuer wishes to tokenize a financial asset, it must know the legal qualification of the token issued. To do this, he will have to analyze what type of underlying financial asset the token is backed by. He can go through an STO if he wants to raise funds to finance a project or simply digitize a security on the blockchain through a specialized company. In these two cases, the token will be qualified as a security token. Similarly, the fundraising operation is qualified as an STO when the tokens can be qualified as financial assets and the token offer is a public offer of financial securities tokens within the meaning of Article L.411 -2-1 1° of the Monetary and Financial Code. In France, STOs are regulated and subject to IPO "prospectus" legislation as well as to the European directive of May 15, 2014 known as "MIF2". This means that STOs must be registered with the AMF and go through an information verification procedure. The issuer will have to draw up an information document called a “prospectus”. Barring exceptions, Article 211-2 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers provides that when the total amount of an offer of financial securities does not exceed 8 million euros in the European Union, this is not considered as a public offering subject to prospectus legislation. Barring exceptions, Article 211-2 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers provides that when the total amount of an offer of financial securities does not exceed 8 million euros in the European Union, this is not considered as a public offering subject to prospectus legislation. Thus the investor will only have to send a summary information document (DIS) with mandatory information, which will not be subject to an AMF visa, in accordance with the provisions of article 212-44 of the General Regulations of the Financial Markets Authority (RGAMF). The issuer of the token will also have to comply with KYC procedures for the identification and verification of the identity of investors and the implementation of compliance mechanisms (obligations related to LCB-FT). Good to know: on March 6, 2020, the AMF published a note relating to the regulation of STOs which mentioned the prohibition, for SAS, to make use of a public offering of financial securities. This prohibition comes under the provisions of article L.227-2 of the French Commercial Code. According to the AMF, SAS wishing to raise funds could use a crowdfunding offer under the following conditions: That the offer is less than 8 million euros; That the offer targets more than 149 people; That the amount per security is less than €100,000; Go through a crowdfunding site.

What is the tokenization of financial assets ?

To understand what the tokenization of financial assets is, it is still necessary to master the concepts of “financial assets” (financial instrument), “tokens” and “tokenization”. Financial assets Financial instruments (or financial assets) are governed by Article L211-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code, which provides that there are three types of financial instruments: Financial securities intended to represent assets having a monetary value, such as: equity securities issued by joint-stock companies; units or shares of undertakings for collective investment. Debt securities; Financial contracts or forward financial instruments, such as: swaps; Warrants; Options. A financial asset is intended to represent ownership or a fraction of: a bond; a company share; on the one hand. Good to know: commercial paper and savings certificates are not considered financial instruments.The token A token or token is considered to be the digital representation of a digital or physical asset, registered on a blockchain. The token will then be issued on it and exchangeable peer-to-peer. Tokenization Tokenization is the process of representing the ownership of a security or real estate and the rights attached to it on a digital token registered on a blockchain. In other words, tokenization allows the securitization of both a physical and a digital asset in the form of a token. The tokenization of a financial asset Tokenization of a financial asset is the process of registering a financial instrument or a fraction of the ownership of it and the rights attached to it on a digital token. Ultimately, for the issuer, it will be a question of backing a financial asset with a digital token of the Security Token type in order to allow investors to acquire either a fraction of the ownership of the financial instrument, or the entire it with the rights attached to it.

Blockchain and tokenization of financial assets

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing traditional financial investments. Indeed, more and more banking institutions want to go through the blockchain in order to offer the issuance of financial instruments on it. Transactions and exchanges of information are verified by so-called "miners", which provide a high level of security and trust by verifying and validating transactions within the framework of a validation consensus (generally, in "Proof of Work", or proof of work). This IT consensus makes it possible to develop a database that is transparent, decentralized and secure. Applied to the exchange of financial assets, the blockchain then makes it possible to provide a high level of security. Thus, the application of the blockchain to traditional finance allows: To make transactions on tokenized financial instruments more transparent by allowing the traceability of these transactions; To make transactions on tokenized financial instruments more secure because each transaction is validated by the nodes of the network, making it possible to reduce possible fraud and falsification; To make transactions on tokenized financial instruments faster and cheaper (to date, this applies rather to layer 2 blockchains).

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